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Total Mind Development™
First Section
Welcome to the Course
Module 1 - Introduction to The Human Operating System
Module 2 - Principle of Thought and our Attention
Module 3 - Principle of Moods
Module 4 - Principle of Separate Realities
Module 5 - Becoming Super Human and the 7 Levels of Awareness
Module 6 - Principle of Now/Mindfulness
Module 7 - Neuroplasticity and Positivity
Module 8 - The Mind and Meditation
Module 9 - Creating a Gap™
Module 10 - Understanding Our Emotions
Module 11 - Fear
Module 12 - Overwhelm
Module 13 - Anticipation Anxiety
Module 14 - Social Anxiety/Introverts vs. Extroverts
Module 15 - Fear of Change
Module 16 - Fear of Success or Failure
Module 17 - Fear of Love/Rejection
Module 18 - Greed
Module 19 - Envy
Module 20 - Jealousy in Relationships
Module 21 - Insecurity and Self Doubt
Module 22 - Anger
Module 23- Disgust/Social Isms
Module 24 - Self-Loathing
Module 25 - Guilt
Module 26 - Sadness
Module 27 - Grief
Module 28 - Regret
Module 29 - Depression
Module 30 - Your Energy System/Chakras
Module 31 - How To Develop a Positive Mindset/Intention
Module 32 - Aiming to Cultivate Acceptance
Module 33 - Knowing What Happiness Is
Module 34 - Developing Gratitude
Module 35 - Loving
Module 36 - Seeking Awe and Wonder
Module 37 - Keeping the Past Where It Belongs
Module 38 - Realizing That Simplicity is More
Module 39 - Making Choices and Creating Your Path/Finding your Flow
Module 40 - Choosing Your Traveling Companions
Module 41 - Creating Your Own Environment
Module 42 - Talking Nicely to Yourself
Module 43 - Letting Go of Expectations and Expecting Positive Outcomes/The Placebo Effect
Module 44 - Forgiving
Module 45 - Constructive/Un-Constructive Criticism
Module 46 - Knowing How to Communicate
Module 47 - Putting Your Guard Down/Defensiveness
Module 48 – Stopping the Need to Possess
Module 49 - Inspiring and Motivating Others
Module 50 - Focusing and Concentrating
Module 51 - Planning and Goal Setting
Module 52 - Visualizing
Module 53 – Learning
Module 54 – The Mind/Body Connection
Module 55 - Smiling and Laughing
Module 56 - Believing
Final Thoughts and What You Need to Leave Behind
Today's Top Teen Resources
Module 55 - Smiling and Laughing
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